Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fullmetal News In E111

Hello people of meadowview intermediate! How are we all feeling today? Well anyway this is the fullmetal maniac telling you about everything happening in school. ♠ this is the fullmetal symbol, I'll put this whenever I tell information from school! ♠ This morning we had a snowball fight for math. it wasn't a real snowball fight we used crumpled pieces of paper with math eqautions on it. Then we would solve the eqaution with place value models.
♠ Another thing we did in science was working with a battery, wire, and lightbulb. we would attach the negative to the positive then put the lightbulb by the wire and it would light up. In english/language arts we worked on our summary of the eastern ridges and lowlands in Wisconsin. Did you know that Peshtigo in Wisconsin was set to fire and 1,300 people died. It happened in the eighteen-hundreds.

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